
2022.07.10‎food Of The Gods

In other words, cooking was the effect of being smart, not the cause. Food of the Gods says psilocybin mushrooms were responsible for the unusually fast evolutionary growth of the human brain. Also it talks about how our relationships to psychoactive plants shaped human cultures. Finally, how we may restore personal, social and ecological balance in the world. Armed with interesting facts and his profound personal experiences, recusant McKenna provides, with a strong scholarly analysis, a powerful justification for remaking society along much more enlightened lines.

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The virgin aspect of Kali’s virgin, mother and crone. Maya comes to show us the illusionary nature of the material world, she brings magic and creativity. MAEVE – Intoxicating Irish Goddess of the magical land of Tara. Maeve challenges us to act responsibly and become the Queen of our domain. MAAT – Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Law, Order, Truth and Justice. Maat comes to bring justice to our life, to right wrongs and administer lessons that we need.

  • “The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth” is a science fiction novel that was first published in 1904 by Macmillan.
  • At the same time, there was an explosion of new colors, music and art.
  • And Redwood I remember went on talking all the time the lights were up and dabbing at the place where his diagram ought to have been visible on the screen – and so it was again so soon as the darkness was restored.
  • The undeniable relationship with nature is one to be shared with the world.
  • These steps do not necessarily need to be done in this order and each step is elaborated on shortly.
  • In North Wales, I ought to add, we could pick all the white field mushrooms that grew around, without fear of competition, since the local villagers thought them just as poisonous as the rest.

Anandamide enhances sexual performance in male rats . Moreover, serotonin has been found in several regions of the female genital tract in humans and other animals, where it acts on vasoconstriction and vasodilatation. The principal component of sexual arousal is peripheral vasocongestion of genital tissues; thus, serotonin could be involved in the process of sexual stimulation . In vivo and in vitro studies showed that cocoa has regulatory properties on the immune cells implicated in both innate and acquired immunity. In animals, these effects are present at systemic and intestinal level .


It’s ironic in a way, that hallucinogenic plants may represent a future path out of addiction. Yet near the end of the 60s, the government panicked at what was happening and prohibited all psychedelics including those nobody had even heard of at the time, like ibogaine and bufotinin. Terence McKenna describes hallucinogens as “de-conditioning agents.” They allowed the younger generation to see the relativity of cultural values and therefore the freedom not to conform to those values. At the same time, there was an explosion of new colors, music and art. The vibrant and groundbreaking music of the Beatles being a good example.

The Food Of The Gods And How It Came To Earth

I look back over the last decade, at all the people I have met who have challenged me or inspired me to do more research, to go deeper within myself and to understand more about Divine Nutrition and prana power, and to them I give my heartfelt thanks. Everything of course is so much easier in retrospect, and the ‘if onlys’ can forever haunt us in our dreams. “If only I had known then what I know now, if only I had done this or that, if only I had been more prepared.” I used to say that if I had known what was destined for me in the field of ‘The Food of Gods’, first I would have become a doctor, and then I would have become a priest.

According to the BBC, average sugar consumption in Britain rose from 4lb per person in 1700, to 18lb in 1800, then to 36lb in 1850. Every 10 days, the chimps would wake up and instead of going to their normal breakfast fruit eating spot,they walked more than 20 minutes away just to find these undigestible leaves,which the scientists noted were from the Aspilia plant. The chimps would pick off an Aspilia leaf, roll it around their mouth for a minute, and then swallow it whole. They repeated this with about 30 small leaves, and then left.

Support the book publisher by purchasing his original paper book. If you can access it and get it, do not hesitate to buy it. By day, Cassandra Khaw works as the business developer for Singaporean publisher Ysbryd Games. By night, she moonlights as a freelance technology reporter for places like PC Gamer and The Verge, while still writing exorbitant amounts of fiction.

About Terence Mckenna

Mythological references to mushrooms are few, but important. The inhabitants of Corinth, seat of a fire cult, claimed to have been born from mushrooms; and according to tradition Perseus built Mycenae, the capital of the Peloponnese, because he found a mushroom growing on the site. The gods of Olympus had a special food, ambrosia, described as a porridge of honey, water, fruit, olive oil, cheese, and pearl barley; also a special drink, nectar, consisting of honey, water, and fruit.